Wow spell queue window bfa
Wow spell queue window bfa

wow spell queue window bfa

Again doing something like this was a sign of a really bad player, terrible gameplay advice. But even in Legion you could do it with Focused Rage. Macroing it to all your abilities would cause you to just rage starve all the time, whether tanking or dps you're talking about clown levels of performance, like kicked from the raid performances.Īnd actually they didn't remove this possibility until Heroic Strike was removed entirely in Legion. Heroic Strike was used for rage management, and you would very often not have the rage to use Heroic Strike.

wow spell queue window bfa

They eventually changed heroic strike so that this didn't work.Doing something like this is something really really bad players would do, it's not normal gameplay. In BC, heroic strike was not on the global cool down, so you would macro heroic strike to all of your warrior abilities which were on the GCD. However, I do remember how Heroic Strike worked in BC. I don't have a clear memory of how heroic strike worked in this specific version of Wrath. Which means its supposed to work like that. So what do you think?Havent played vanilla or classic in ages but I did main warrior for ages and I want to distinctly remember heroic strike/cleave specifically is queued to be on your next melee hit. I have made a video recording and posted it on Blizz forums -> bug report, but got no response whatsoever. What you should do is play the game like in WOTLK, which means you should spam your keys as abilities are about to come off cooldown. So what do you think?I'm not sure this is a bug, because WOTLK didn't have spell queue, it's a modern feature that has been ported to a game that has gameplay elements that no longer exist. Then of course it would fail, because the server knows the spell is not ready yet. So instead of putting bloodthirst in a short queue, the game will try to cast the bloodthirst immediately.

wow spell queue window bfa

If HS/Cleave is in queue, then there won't be any queue for other spells, say bloodthirst. i haven't tested DK/Druid yet, but it could also be the case). This spell queue works fine, until you are also queuing spells that works with your next weapon swing (heroic strike and cleave. For example, you can queue the next spell before the current spell finishes casting or if the next spell is in cooldown, you can queue it 400 ms before it completely cools down (this include GCD). What does "queue other spells" mean here? Basically you can queue a spell at most 400 ms before it becomes ready.

Wow spell queue window bfa